Today’s technology centric audiences now expect innovative and simple to use audio visual facilities that deliver high definition, high resolution video and data display coupled with high fidelity audio.

mdg understand that ease of use and seamless wireless connectivity is key to a successful meeting and conference facility along with intuitive control systems that require the minimum of technical assistance from the operator.

Contemporary audio-visual systems are increasingly IP enabled, and this provides the opportunity to converge these systems onto the building network, leveraging the available network management and diagnostic tools to provide enhanced help desk functionality, property-wide scheduling, diagnostics and monitoring as well as data logging for reporting and billing.

As we approach the analogue sunset, legacy signal types are being replaced with ultra-high definition 4. 8, 16K sources and displays and conventional wired connection panels are being replaced with completely wireless based connections that provide seamless connectivity and complete flexibility.

mdg provides complete audio-visual design solutions for the most demanding challenging technology requirements.

For larger scale projects that include auditoria, theatres and larger scale convention facilities mdg provide more complex and extensive solutions that include acoustic modelling for high performance audio systems, sophisticated digital multimedia networks and video solutions for outside broadcast.

mdg acoustic design services include and allow for review of architectural, structural and building services designs, sound insulation specifications and detailing, specification of reverberation times and how they may be achieved including specifications for finishing products, environmental assessments (BREEAM, LEED, ESTIDAMA), façade design input and development of practical cost-effective noise control solutions.

mdg offers the full range of acoustics related services, tailored to deliver specific client requirements that include building services noise and vibration control, building envelope and internal sound insulation, room acoustics and modelling.

Acoustic design solutions require understanding and analysis of the building structural, architectural, MEP and interior design in order to evaluate potential problem areas and suggest effective and practical design solutions.

Particular focus is put on the effective isolation between adjacencies and the specification and detailing of moveable partitions designed to segregate events within a variety of space formations.

For live event spaces such as ballrooms, auditoria and meeting rooms, mdg provides computerized 3D acoustic modelling designed to provide the interior design consultant with and analysis of the absorptive and reflective surfaces and the design criteria required to optimize speech intelligibility in these critical spaces.

mdg acoustic engineering services includes the provision of detailed advice during the architectural concept stages to the completion and handover stages of a project.